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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2016

Kelompok Petani Sawit Swadaya Terbesar di Dunia Berada di Indonesia

Sekitar 2.700 petani sawit swadaya di Sumatera Selatan dengan luas lahan yang dikelola mencapai 5.500 hektare mendapatkan sertifikasi RSPO pada 16 Juni 2016. Pencapaian ini menjadikan mereka kelompok petani kelapa sawit swadaya terbesar di dunia yang mendapat sertifikat berkelanjutan dari RSPO. Kelompok petani itu diberi dukungan dari Wilmar International Limited melalui anak perusahaan PT Tania Selatan, dan bantuan pendanaan dari Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Smallholder Support Fund, Jeremy Goon, Chief Sustainability Officer Wilmar, menyatakan upaya untuk mendukung beberapa petani sawit kebun plasma dan memastikan kesadaran mereka terhadap industri kelapa sawit yang berkelanjutan merupakan tantangan tersendiri. “Namun karena menanamkan kesadaran tersebut adalah jantung dari pendekatan Wilmar untuk membantu petani kecil menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan, kami mengambil tantangan tersebut dengan pandangan dan pengembangan model rantai nilai berkelanjutan yang inklu

Kumpulan E-book Data Motor, Mobil, dan Oli Pelumas

Industri otomotif (mobil dan motor) merupakan tulang punggung sektor transportasi yang memberikan andil besar bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Di era mobilisasi dan konektivitas tinggi, peranan industri otomotif makin ketara meski persaingan di sektor industri ini makin ketat. Untuk merekam seluk beluk industri otomotif di Indonesia, memiliki sedikitnya 12 data dan riset terkait perkembangan industri otomotif di Indonesia. Mari kita simak ulasannya berikut ini. 1) Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Sepeda Motor (Tren Penjualan Merek Per Daerah) 2) Riset Pasar dan Data Industri Mobil (2005-2019) 3) Data dan Analisis Industri Oli Pelumas 2007-2016 4) Outlook Industri Otomotif 2016-2018 5) Data Industri Sepeda Motor dan Velg Motor di Indonesia 6) Data Tingkat Kepemilikan dan Minat Beli Mobil di Indonesia 7) Data Industri Angkutan Darat (Taksi) di Indonesia 8) Data Penjualan Per Merek Mobil 9) Data dan Analisis Outlook Industri Otomotif 10) Data dan

Indonesia Industrial Trading Hub unlock new features namely trading hub that serves as a facilitator (connection) between industry and suppliers (suppliers). With the support of members were great and the internal search engine, the entire industrial needs your efforts can we swatch suppliers , of course with the advantages of excellent quality, competitive prices, and best services. We recognize in every line of business across all industry sectors require suppliers (suppliers), particularly to meet the needs of raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, material administration, to other supporting materials . It was intended to sustain the process of industrial production continues to distribution (export-import) to after sales service. With the support of a solid team, we can be one total solution to escort (escort) your business to success. The entire industry value chain ( supply-demand chain ) require raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, mat

Market Competition and Automobile Industry Data in Indonesia

Market Research and Data Automobile Industry (2005-2019)  which was released in August 2016 showing all information, data, independent research, as well as projections and trends in the Indonesian car market. From the start of the largest market share, the installed capacity of the car manufacturer, to data on the number of cars and motorcycles that operate research and data presented in this industry. Market Research and Data Automobile Industry (2005-2019)  was started from the beginning by showing highlights macroeconomic Indonesia, covering 2014-2019 GDP growth, inflation trends, population, middle-class consumer trends, the potential of the local market, as well as trends in GDP per capita. (Page 2-4) Furthermore, market research showing trends of sales of cars and motorcycles in Indonesia 2005-2019 (estimate) in an interesting graphic. (Page 5) Visible car sales grew historically high since 2009 to 2013 from 486 thousand units to 1.23 million units. Trends in the competi