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Indonesia Industrial Trading Hub unlock new features namely trading hub that serves as a facilitator (connection) between industry and suppliers (suppliers). With the support of members were great and the internal search engine, the entire industrial needs your efforts can we swatch suppliers, of course with the advantages of excellent quality, competitive prices, and best services.

We recognize in every line of business across all industry sectors require suppliers (suppliers), particularly to meet the needs of raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, material administration, to other supporting materials. It was intended to sustain the process of industrial production continues to distribution (export-import) to after sales service.

With the support of a solid team, we can be one total solution to escort (escort) your business to success. The entire industry value chain (supply-demand chain) require raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, material administration, to other supporting materials. However, the price, a proper search, and time is usually an obstacle. For that we are here to help your business.

All done in three easy stages:
1. Listing your needs related to the search of raw materials, auxiliary materials, marketing materials, material administration, to other supporting materials, as well as specifications and quantity.

2. Send the listing in the form of email to us.

3. Immediately after that, we will return with an offer letter from the ingredients you need.
Just three easy and free way. You do not have to bother, and save energy.

Newest Listing Trading Hub:

Our clients have a supply of as much as 48,000 tons of diesel fuel - 200 thousand tons of Angola. Supply of diesel was offered at a competitive price below the market price, FOB. Clean and clear legal status.

Our client has a land area of ​​25 hectares in Dumai, Riau, wanted to find a partner to plant oil palm or pineapples with the scheme win win solution. The land is land clearing, guaranteed its legality, and there is no conflict.

Our clients are interested in selling 10 units of dump trucks with specifications Hino FM 260 types of IT in 2012. The offering price of Rp 550 million per unit.

Our client offers LAND + PLANTATION (still active) private collections, spacious 261 hectares, the price of Rp 95 billion, locations in East Java, Tulungagung, District Responsibility Mountains. Estates which we offer contours of the land to be flat, not steep, not steep, and there is no gulf. So that a large truck or trailer trucks can enter into the plantation, in the plantations are also a lot of paved access roads that facilitate the entry of truck fleet and transport the plantation. For the irrigation system at the location of the land is easy and plentiful, it is characterized by the many plants that we developed in our location. Currently our location planted with crops of industrial wood (sengon, coconut, white teak, acacia, cocoa, cashew) and there are still other crops such as maize, cassava, etc. Land that we offer in the form CERTIFICATE HGU still active until 2033. Please contact us for more information.(*)

Sources: click here


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