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The Ecosystem of the Cryptocurrency (Virtual Currency)

The Cryptocurrency Data & Regulation in Indonesia (Positive & Negative Side of Bitcoin) was released mid-January 2018 featuring data, price trends, systemic comparisons, market developments, and policy responses, and the legality issues related to cryptocurrency (virtual currency) globally and in Indonesia. Presented in tables, graphics, and tabulations of interest, this data is expected to be a reference of stakeholders in making decisions and responding to cryptcurrency phenomena.

The Cryptocurrency Data & Its Regulation in Indonesia (Positive & Negative Side of Bitcoin) begins with an outline focus of 5 discussions, general concepts, current developments, risks, policy responses, and conclusions. (page 2) Followed by the concept of cryptocurrency or virtual currency that has 4 main characteristics, namely no relators, peer-to-peer, pseudonymity, and no central authority. (page 3)

On page 4, graphics related to the ecosystem of the cryptocurrency (virtual currency) in which there are 4 actors, namely exchangers, wallets, payments, and mining. Go to the next discussion, displayed price developments and virtual currency market capitalization (page 5) of 10 cryptocurrencies with the largest market cap.

On page 6, graphic representation of Bitcoin and Ethereum price developments with a drastic spike. In less than five years, the two largest cryptocurrencies have already posted a 164-fold price spike for Bitcoin and 333-fold for Ethereum. Followed by the trend of Bitcoin price movement in January 2018 (page 7).

Furthermore, the explanation of what is Bitcoin and its challenge in the form of legality of cryptocurrency is discussed in detail on pages 8-10. Recorded at least 18 challenges for the development of cryptocurrency globally.

On pages 11-12, a discussion of the state of the cryptocurrency legality is shown. At least 48 countries do not specifically regulate cryptocurrency, 13 countries legalize it and are classified as money, 3 states restrict the use of cryptocurrency, and 5 states prohibit the use of cryptocurrency. On pages 13-17, there is a distinction between Bitcoin and the traditional banking system, its advantages and disadvantages, its work system and its supporting aspects.

On pages 18-21, there is a description of the risk of cryptocurrency (virtual currency) from the aspects of payment systems and financial system stability, consumer protection, and a number of fraud case studies abroad.

On pages 22-25, a detailed description of the policy responses related to cryptocurrency is referred to in Act No. 7 of 2011 concerning Currency and a number of derivative regulations. This data also shows the views of global figures such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, and others related to the phenomenon of cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency & Regulatory Data in Indonesia (Bitcoin Positives & Negative Sides) of 29 pages and measuring 4.2 MB is compiled from Bank Indonesia, coinmarketcap, CoinGecko, bitconnect and other reliable sources. Industry data index is the latest feature in which displays dozens of data options according to the needs of users. All data is presented in pdf format so that it is easy to download after users perform process according to procedure, ie click purchase (purchase), click checkout, and fill form. prioritizes the validity and validity of the data sources presented.(*)

Source: click here

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** Need competitor intelligence in Indonesia, click here
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